JAKARTA - The police said Anindra Ardiansyah Bakrie alias Ardi Bakrie had surrendered to the Central Jakarta Metro Police. Ardi Bakrie turned himself in after his wife, Nia Ramadhani, was arrested and contacted him.

"RA contacted her husband, in the afternoon or after Isha at 20.00 WIB, the AAB came to the Central Jakarta Metro Police to surrender," said Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, July 8.

In this case, Ardi Bakrie was also named a suspect. Based on the confession of Nia Ramadhani, the child from Aburizal Bakrie also often consumes shabu.

"An investigation was carried out and admitted that her husband AAB also smoked this shabu together," said Yusri.

The determination of the suspect was also based on the results of a urine examination which stated that he was positive for methamphetamine.

"The urine test confirmed that it contained methamphetamine or methamphetamine," Yusri said.

During the arrest of Nia Ramadhani, the police confiscated evidence in the form of shabu weighing 0.78 grams and a suction device.

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