JAKARTA - Artist Nia Ramadhani and her husband, Ardi Bakrie, were arrested by the police. The husband and wife were arrested on suspicion of drug abuse.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said this case began when the police received information that Nia Ramadhani often used methamphetamine.

"The Central Jakarta Metro Police Satnarkoba directly led by the Kanit received information that sister RA (Nia Ramadhani) often used this methamphetamine," Yusri said during a press conference, Jakarta, Thursday, July 8.

From this information, the police then conducted an investigation and action. As a result, information obtained by Nia Ramadhani using methamphetamine in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta. From here, the police arrested Nia Ramdhani's driver with the initials ZN.

"Then a surveillance investigation was carried out by friends of the Narcotics Unit and succeeded in securing a ZN whose role was a driver or assistant from the family of RA (Nia Ramadhani) and AAB (Ardi Bakrie)," said Yusri.

After a search of NZ, the police found methamphetamine. According to ZN, the methamphetamine belonged to his boss, Nia Ramadhani.

"Then the investigators searched the residence of RA's brother and found RA in the house," he said.

After that, the police conducted an examination of Nia Ramadhani. From this examination, Nia Ramadhani admitted that her husband also used this prohibited item.

"But at the TKP AAB was not there. So ZN and RA were taken to the Central Jakarta Metro Police. It was only then that his wife or RA contacted her husband, in the afternoon or after Isha at 20.00 WIB, AAB came to the Central Jakarta Metro Police to surrender. A test was carried out against the three people, the urine test stated that they contained methapetamine or methamphetamine positive," he said.

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