JAKARTA - The police arrested the artist Nia Ramadhani (given the initials from the police, RA) and her husband, Ardi Bakrie (given the initials from the police, AA) in connection with a narcotics abuse case.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus explained the chronology of the disclosure of this case at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, July 8.

He said that on Wednesday, July 7, at around 09.00 WIB, the Central Jakarta Metro Police Satnarkoba led by the Kanit received information that sister RA often used methamphetamine, who lived in Pondok Pinang, or Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.

Then, he continued, the officers carried out surveillance investigations by friends from the Narcotics Unit and succeeded in securing a ZM whose role was a driver or assistant rather than the RA family with AAB.

"During a search of ZM's brother, a clip of narcotics of the type methamphetamine was found. Later, an interrogation was carried out and it turned out that the person concerned admitted that the item belonged to brother RA, his confession was," said Yusri.

Furthermore, Yusri said, investigators searched RA's relative's residence and found RA in the house.

"The search results found a bong or a shabu-sucking device belonging to sister RA. Then an investigation was carried out and admitted that also her husband AAB also smoked together this shabu together, but at the TKP AAB was not there," he said.

ZM and RA were then taken to the Central Jakarta Metro Police. "Only his wife or RA contacted her husband, in the afternoon or after Isha at 20.00 WIB, AAB came to the Central Jakarta Metro Police to surrender," he added.

Yusri added that the three people were tested for urine and the results were positive for methapetamine or shabu-shabu.

"Last night, we did everything, but when we came here, we did an antigen swab, all of them were negative. We tested all three of them with positive urine. To make sure again, we will check the blood and hair lab for the completeness of our tests," he said.

Furthermore, the police are still investigating how long the person concerned has been using this methamphetamine. "The initial confession took about 4-5 months, yes, but we are still investigating this. We will check properly, including the supplier from which we are pursuing," he said.

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