JAKARTA - West Java Province is one of the fast areas to implement the new normal concept during the early days of COVID-19. The plan, the concept echoed by the central government, will take effect on June 1, next.

However, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has even extended the period of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) at the provincial level. The decision was issued in the West Java Governor's Decree Number 443 / Kep.287-Hukham / 2020 dated May 28.

In the letter, for the Regency / City of Bogor, Depok City, Bekasi Regency / City (Bodebek) the PSBB will be extended for six days, starting from 30 May 2020 to 4 June 2020.

Meanwhile, the West Java region outside Bodebek, the PSBB extension period is for 14 days from 30 May 2020 to 12 June 2020.

Public policy analysis Trubus Rahadiansyah suspects that the extension of the PSBB was carried out by Kang Emil because the local government was not so sure about implementing the new norms. Then, he said, the local government lacked confidence in the studies and recommendations regarding the new normality.

This is because the central government always issues policies that are not necessarily suitable for implementation in the regions. For example the PSBB policy, only a few regions have implemented this policy. Meanwhile, the rest prefer to implement their regional policies.

"There are allegations that the local government has decreased its level of trust. There are several reasons for this," Trubus told VOI, Friday, May 29.

Other allegations are related to policy formulation. In deciding or making policies, the central government never involves local governments. Thus, this has caused many misunderstandings.

Moreover, policies issued by the central government are often seen as not considering the condition of regional financial management. In fact, during the mid-period all economies declined drastically.

"The overlapping policies and their formulation do not involve the regions," said Trubus.

For this reason, it is recommended that the central government sit together and collaborate with local governments in implementing or determining policies. This aims to determine conditions that occur in all regions and become a consideration in policy formulation.

"Indeed, the central government must consolidate with the regional government. Sit together and discuss the best in formulating policies," concluded Trubus.

West Java preparations before changing

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil admitted that he had prepared various things to implement the new normality concept which will be implemented on Monday, June 1.

"We will start (a new normal life) on Monday, June 1. From Wednesday to this week we will socialize," Ridwan said as quoted from the official website of the West Java Provincial Government, Thursday, May 28.

The former mayor of Bandung said that West Java is one of the areas that can implement a new normal life order, because it is considered capable of controlling the spread of this virus. Moreover, the number of virus transmission in the area he leads is around 1.09.

"In WHO standards, this figure is considered under control. The smaller the zero is the better. We will focus on maintaining this for the next 14 days. We have one week at the ratio of one. Hopefully in a week it will remain at number one, so that could fall into the controlled category, "he said.

Ridwan also said the level of vigilance in the implementation of this new normality would be different in each regency and city due to differences in regional zones.

He also emphasized that this new normality that will soon be implemented is not a form of easing health protocols but an adaptation step to face the outbreak of COVID-19.

"The new normality is not relaxation or leniency but rather adaptation. Therefore, standard health protocols remain valid even when public activities are opened," he said.

In this new normality, said Ridwan, all economic sectors such as markets, malls, factories and other commercial sectors will be opened. However, as a first step, they are required to make a statement of their ability to carry out the health protocol when the new normal is implemented, including being ready to receive sanctions if they do not comply with the existing health protocol.

In addition, in welcoming this new normality, later the West Java Provincial Government will also regulate school operational activities. Mainly, in maintaining physical distance according to health protocols.

Ridwan gave an example, if there are usually 40 students in one class, later it will be arranged so that they can maintain a distance. "How is it still being studied while walking. If in a place of worship such as a mosque it is easier because it can be carried out by keeping a safe distance," he said.

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