SOLO - The Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) has issued 187 warning letters (SP) to business actors during the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) since July 3.

"Most of those who commit violations are still serving food on the spot and open more than the specified time," said Surakarta City Satpol PP Head Arif Darmawan, in Solo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 7.

In addition, according to him, there are some non-essential shops or those that don't sell basic goods are still selling. However, according to him, so far the Surakarta Satpol PP has not taken care of securing the goods owned by business actors.

"But next week, in accordance with the Forkompimda directive, we must be firm," said Arif.

Arif admitted that so far there are several sectors that are still in the gray zone, so that no action has been taken.

"There are still some that we discuss with members, so whether they enter the essential sector or not because they are in the gray zone, including optics, photocopying, and cupping or massage houses. Earlier, we closed photocopies in the Kentingan area and received protests from students," continued he.

As for sanctions, they will be implemented in stages. He said that if the SP 1 is not heeded, the Satpol PP will again give the SP to business actors who are determined to violate the rules until the sanctions are fixed.

"Later we will see what kind of disobedience can be, it can be processed through the Emergency Law or the Quarantine Law, the sanctions can be imposed for one year," said Arif.

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