MEDAN - North Sumatra is known as one of the areas where the implementation of health protocols in the community is relatively low. North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi is surprised that many people still don't believe in COVID-19.

"I believe that and it is true (obey the low prokes). In particular, wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, it is very difficult (to do)," said Governor Edy, Wednesday, July 7.

According to Governor Edy, one of the locations whose health protocols are often ignored is the traditional market.

"We see in traditional markets, it completely ignores, at least 10-25 percent are wearing masks. Please do education, provide knowledge for all of them," he continued.

Governor Edy said there were several reasons that made the people of North Sumatra reluctant to implement health protocols. One of them, there are still many who do not believe the corona virus exists.

"I still don't really believe that COVID exists. Because there are still many people who make a boom that COVID is politics, COVID is injuring the people. Even though COVID is really a virus that is dangerous to humans," said Gubsu Edy.

It is known, based on data as of July 6, the total positive confirmed cases in North Sumatra reached 37,263 with 2,383 active cases.

To prevent the spread of the corona virus, Governor Edy again extended the application of micro PPKM until next July 20.

In this micro PPKM, the implementation is now valid in 12 regions. The two areas that have just been implemented by micro PPKM are the City of Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga.

Gubsu Edy, said that in implementing this micro PPKM, 2 special activities must be carried out in two regions. The two areas are Medan and Sibolga.

"But in North Sumatra, there are 2 cities where emergency activities must be carried out," he said.

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