JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion through the Christian Directorate General of Community Guidance (Binmas) has prepared ten inputs submitted to the Minister of Religion for the implementation of the revitalization of places of worship in the new normal concept.

Director General of Christian Guidance for the Ministry of Religion, Thomas Pentury, through a written statement said that the first and second inputs relate to things that must be done by the whole Church, such as operational time to implementing the COVID-19 health protocol.

"The function of the house of worship (church), including Sunday worship, marriage blessing, grief services, baptism, and sidi must follow health protocols established by the government," Thomas said in a written statement, Thursday, May 28.

Then, the third proposal relates to an appeal to all church organizations to rearrange some parts of the building on the principle of maintaining physical distancing. Furthermore, it is mandatory to spray disinfectant to all parts of the church before use.

The fourth proposal contains the problem of requiring congregants to wear masks and face shields. So, when doing worship activities, you can anticipate the spread of COVID-19.

"The fifth suggestion is about not allowing sick and elderly congregations to participate in worship activities," said Thomas.

(Photo: special)

The sixth and seventh points contain questions about limiting choir activities or the like in conducting worship and using open spaces as an alternative location for worship.

Next, appeal to the parent church organization to maximize technology in the implementation of services for other worship activities. Ninth, forming a monitoring team to really supervise the activities of the congregations.

"The last point, the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religion will create a monitoring team for the implementation of church revitalization and report to the Minister of Religion," said Thomas.

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