JAKARTA - The Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has described its performance for the past five months. KPK Chairman Tumpak Hatorangan said that during the past five months, his party had followed up on hundreds of requests for permits related to wiretapping, searches, and confiscations.

"As of early May 2020, the Supervisory Board has received requests and is following up on the issuance of 183 permits. The permits consist of 34 wiretapping permits, 15 search permits, and 134 seizure permits," said Tumpak in his written statement quoted on Thursday, May 28.

In addition to following up on the request for permission, the KPK Dewas also received a number of reports from the public regarding alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by KPK leaders and employees. According to him, 92 letters of complaint were submitted to the supervisory board.

"In this case, we are grateful for the participation of the people who continue to assist us in supervising the duties and authorities of the KPK," he said.

Meanwhile, in relation to the implementation of supervision of the KPK's duties and authorities, the Supervisory Board has held a Quarter I Supervision Coordination Meeting (Rakorwas) with KPK Leaders on April 27, 2020, covering 18 (eighteen) issues or problems consisting of four fields.

First, the field of prosecution in order to accelerate the handling of cases since investigation, investigation, prosecution and execution in an effort to optimize asset recovery and legal certainty.

Then, the Internal Supervisory Division and Public Complaints in order to strengthen the Internal Supervision function and harmonize the implementation of supervisory duties by the Dewas and Internal Supervision (PI).

Furthermore, the Prevention Sector is in the context of optimizing the prevention function, especially in efforts to safeguard the assets of ministries, institutions and local governments. Finally, the Secretariat General is involved in improving KPK HR management.

In addition to the Coordination Meeting, the Supervisory Board has also conducted Quarter I KPK Leadership Evaluation Meetings on the afternoon of April 27 and May 5 2020 with a focus on evaluating leadership performance achievements during the first 3 months of 2020.

Tumpak then said that his party would continue to carry out its duties and authorities in a transparent, professional and accountable manner. So it is hoped that the public can continue to supervise the KPK and support this anti-graft institution.

"This is done so that the public can participate in supervising and overseeing the work of the KPK, so that people are expected to continue to support the work of eradicating corruption for a corruption-free Indonesia," he concluded.

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