JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, requires offices and shopping centers to provide parking facilities specifically for bicycles when implementing emergency PPKM.

This is stated in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Kadishub Number 259 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Technical Guidelines for Limiting Transport Capacity and Operational Time of Transportation Facilities in the context of the COVID-19 Emergency PPKM.

"Every office and shopping center is required to provide bicycle parking facilities of 10 percent of the available parking capacity," Syafrin said in his statement, Monday, June 5.

The parking facilities provided, according to Syafrin, must be near the main entrance of the building. Bicycle parking locations are marked with a bicycle parking special, and are equipped with location directions.

"Then, offices and shopping centers must provide shower facilities for bicycle users," he said.

This provision is made in the context of controlling population mobility through prioritizing the use of bicycle and walking transportation.

In addition, provisions for providing special bicycle parking facilities at Transjakarta BRT stops, bus terminals, train stations, ports/piers and airports are adjusted to the availability of space for each infrastructure and are marked with bicycle parking specials and equipped with location directions.

Public transportation rules during emergency PPKM

In the decision, Syafrin also gave a time limit for the completion of public transportation operations in Jakarta every day until 20.30 WIB during the emergency PPKM until next July 20.

"Transjakarta, regular public transportation routes, MRT, and LRT operate until 20.30 WIB," said Syafrin.

For operational start times, Transjakarta and regular public transportation operate from 05.00 WIB, MRT from 05.00 WIB, LRT from 05.30 WIB.

In addition, water transportation operations are limited from 05.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the operation of the Jabodetabek KRL is determined by PT KCI.

"Special night transportation for health workers starts at 20.30 WIB to 21.30 WIB," he said.

Syafrin explained that the limitation of transportation capacity for users of transportation modes for the movement of people and goods is carried out by limiting the number of people to a maximum of 50 percent of the carrying capacity of each type of transportation means.

Meanwhile, the regulation of online motorcycle taxis and base motorcycle taxis is still allowed to transport passengers with the obligation to implement strict health protocols.

In addition, online motorcycle taxi drivers and basic motorcycle taxi drivers are prohibited from crowding more than 5 people and while waiting for passengers they are required to maintain a distance between drivers and parking between motorbikes of at least 1 meter.

"Online motorcycle taxi application companies are required to apply geofencing information technology so that drivers do not crowd and impose sanctions on drivers who violate," explained Syafrin.

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