JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained that there had been an additional 686 positive cases as of Wednesday, May 27. So that in total, positive patients reached 23,851 people.

Meanwhile, there is good news because the number of cured cases has increased to a total of 6,057 people. The number is after the addition of 180 people per day.

Meanwhile, the number of cases died increased. Based on data, 55 people were declared dead due to COVID-19 with a total of 1,473 people.

The total number of people under monitoring (ODP) is around 49,942 people. Meanwhile, there were 12,667 patients under surveillance (PDP). The data is taken from 34 provinces and 410 districts / cities in the country.

Then, as many as 278,411 specimens were examined using the realtime PCR method and the Rapid Molecular Test (TCM) in all laboratories across Indonesia.

Positive cases in several provinces did not increase

Although the increase in the number of positive cases continues to increase at the national level, the opposite is true in several provinces. Based on the data, there are seven provinces with minimal increase in the number of positive cases of the corona virus.

"Several provinces in the country have shown a good picture, there are no more significant cases of additional cases. Then there is no further expansion of the affected areas and there is no more uncontrolled local transmission," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Wednesday, 27 May.

With the minimal number of additional positive cases or infections in the province, said Yuri, relaxation can be applied to show the sector that declined during the mid-week of COVID-19. However, it must still prioritize health protocols.

"In these areas, we say that it is under control and we can start suggesting relaxation in some regulations without leaving the aspects of health protocols to ensure that it is safe from COVID-19," Yuri said.

However, it must wait for a decision from the Central Task Force. Because, this discourse will be discussed first to consider all the consequences.

"Later we will comprehensively report it to the central health center for joint review so that the government's decision is the best decision which is not shown to increase the number of cases we find," said Yuri.

For your information, regions that do not have additional positive cases of COVID-19 based on data on May 27, namely, Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi, Central Sulawesi, Riau, West Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara.

Meanwhile, the most additional positive cases occurred in DKI Jakarta, East Java, West Java, South Sulawesi and Central Java.

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