JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto called on all Indonesians to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination to suppress the spread of the Corona virus.

"For those who have been vaccinated, invite their friends to get vaccinated as well. But remember that even though you have been vaccinated it doesn't mean you are immune, you still have to be disciplined with health protocols," said the TNI Commander when directly observing the National Vaccination Raid which was held at the GBK Main Stadium (Gelora). Bung Karno), Central Jakarta, Saturday, July 3.

In a joint review with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, DKI Jakarta Governor Anis Baswedan and BNPB Head Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito, the TNI Commander encouraged and motivated health workers in the field.

"Take care of your health and stay safe on duty," said Marshal Hadi, quoted by Antara.

Marshal Hadi reiterated that the TNI will always be ready to support the government's program, namely the invasion of 1 million vaccines per day.

In this vaccination campaign, it is planned that as many as 20,000 people will get vaccinated. Where is vaccination to form herd immunity for the people of Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Head of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito, appreciated the role of health workers who had assisted in the implementation of mass vaccinations at the Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta.

“What you are doing is very good. Keep the spirit of serving the community, yes. Thank you,” said Ganip when reviewing the vaccination implementation at GBK.

According to him, the work carried out by these health workers is a form of struggle for humanity and part of the implementation of defending the country.

Through the acceleration of this mass vaccination program, he believes the target to achieve herd immunity will soon be achieved and the pandemic can be resolved soon.

Ganip advised the participants who received the vaccine to keep implementing the health protocols even though they had been vaccinated.

Because, he said, the vaccination does not mean that a person is free from infection with the corona virus that causes COVID-19, but will have stronger immunity and minimal symptoms if infected with the virus.

"Keep maintaining health protocols. Because that's the key. Vaccines are not enough," he said.

The vaccination program at GBK targets as many as 22,000 participants on Saturday. Vaccination at GBK will also continue on Sunday.

Vaccination at GBK is part of a series of "One Million Vaccines Per Day" programs that are held simultaneously throughout Indonesia in order to control COVID-19.

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