JAKARTA - Many experts recommend the use of double masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which has been raging lately. This two-layer mask is recommended as a step to minimize the risk of transmission.

However, the use of double masks cannot be done carelessly because it will interfere with the function of the mask. The reason is, using two medical masks at once will not be able to increase the filtering ability of the mask

"Don't combine 2 medical masks at the same time," said the spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito.

"Because medical masks are not designed to be used in 2 layers at the same time because they do not increase the filtration ability and suitability of the mask," he continued.

Wiku also said that the KN95 mask type is also not recommended to be used in duplicate, either with the same or different types of masks as the first or second layer.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi wears a 2-ply mask (Instagram ericahyadi_)

However, to improve its function, he continued, medical masks can be used double with cloth masks. He said this has been proven in research. Medical masks can be used as the first layer, then combined with a cloth mask.

"The combination of double masks provides much better protection for the wearer and others than wearing a cloth mask alone, or a medical mask alone," he said.

Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi wears a 2-ply mask (Instagram ericahyadi_)
Walkot Surabaya gives an example

Regarding the use of double masks, aka two-layer masks, the Mayor of Surabaya, East Java, Eri Cahyadi, gave an example. Two-layer masks are used when doing activities.

This includes meeting health workers. Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, who appeared to be wearing a two-layer mask, expressed his respect and appreciation for health workers and hospital administrators.

"I've been traveling to a number of hospitals for the past week. In addition to going to villages related to procedures for handling family clusters, setting up funeral facilities at the Keputih Public Cemetery, accelerating vaccinations, and of course on the other hand still overseeing programs such as new student admissions (PPDB), which this year we expand, there are scholarships to private schools. , not just the country,” said Eri Cahyadi, Thursday, July 1.

“Once again, I have to share the bad news: the bed occupancy rate (BOR) in hospitals continues to increase. Some hospitals are already 100 percent, no longer able to accommodate Covid-19 patients. The ER is also used as a place of treatment," he continued.

The Surabaya City Government emphasized that Eri Cahyadi continues to try to add beds as well as private hospitals that become referrals. The isolation place in the Hajj Dormitory has also been added to its capacity in order to reduce the burden on the hospital.

“All of these efforts require working together. Can't be selfish. I really ask for help, not for me, but for your own family: for your mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, wife, husband, children, relatives. Let's really obey the health protocols," said the Surabaya Walkot Eri Cahyadi.

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