LONDON - Slowly but surely, the UK is starting to control the spread of COVID-19. A number of activities that were previously closed will begin to open again. One of them is school.

Information quoted from CNN, Sunday, May 24, schools in England will open again on 1 June. This good news was conveyed by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson when delivering daily updates on coronavirus.

"In line with the approach being taken in many other countries, we want to start bringing our children back to class, in a way that is as manageable and safe as possible," said Johnson.

"We will start with the arrangement and acceptance of the early years, the first year, and the sixth year in elementary school," he continued.

"We intend to help them prepare for next year's exams".

However, as before, the world is no longer the same after this pandemic. That also applies to activities in British schools. There is 'A New Normal' that students, teachers, parents and the school must obey.

- Reducing class size

- Changes in patterns of rest and lunch

- Increase cleaning frequency

- Reduces usage of shared items

- Make use of the outer space

Boris Johnson's senior advisor blunder

Despite the good news, Boris Johnson is actually under intense pressure. Her senior adviser, Dominic Cummings, is being heavily attacked for violating home lockdown rules.

British media Guardian and Mirror reported that Cummings was caught making his second trip from London to Durham during the coronavirus lockdown in late March. Cummings traveled 250 miles from his London home.

Why is that important? Britain's coronavirus restrictions strictly say that people cannot come to other places, including their second residence or family home. This includes not making unnecessary trips.

Downing Street put on bodies. The Prime Minister's Office in turn accused the Guardian and Mirror reports of "false accusations" and "inaccurate stories" about Cummings.

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