JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Police investigator team has named seven children as suspects in the case of destroying the headstone of a Christian at the Cemoro Twins Public Cemetery, Mojo Village, Kliwon Market, Solo, Central Java.

"After the Surakarta Police investigator team carried out the case, they determined seven children in conflict with the law (ABH) as suspects," said Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak after the commemoration of Bhayangkara's 75th Anniversary at the Surakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, July 1. .

In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, said the Chief of Police, the seven ABHs will be divided into two categories of treatment according to their age limit.

The first category, said Ade Safri Simanjuntak, children aged 12 years and over and not yet 18 years old through diversion steps by bringing together all parties, both victims and families of perpetrators.

He said that his party on Thursday made this effort because the mandate of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Law states that diversion is mandatory at every level of examination of suspects.

The diversion effort brought together all parties, including the victims, ABH who were accompanied by their parents, and the Surakarta City Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Community Empowerment Service (DP3APM), Fathers, psychologists, community leaders, and local religious leaders.

For the handling of the second category for ABH who are under 12 years old, he continued, through a three-pillar decision, namely Surakarta Police investigators, social workers, and Fathers, to return them to their parents or other recommendations related to further guidance.

Of the seven children identified by the suspect, one child was diverted and the other six were through a three-pillar decision.

The diversion and the decision of the three pillars, said the Chief of Police, will then be submitted to the Surakarta District Court to obtain a determination that can be used as the basis for the police to issue a warrant for the termination of the investigation (SP3).

Ade Safri Simanjuntak revealed that their motivation for the vandalism varied, namely just playing games and some of them intentionally doing it.

Previously, the destruction at the Cemoro Kembar TPU occurred on Wednesday, June 16 at around 15.00 WIB by nine students at a Kuttab educational institution in the area. "From the results of the inspection, there are about 12 tombstones damaged," he said.

The investigation team has summoned nine children on suspicion of being the perpetrators of the destruction of the tomb. When meeting investigators, they were accompanied by their parents/family, Fathers, DP3APM Surakarta City, and local community leaders.

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