JAKARTA - Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto announced the development of the COVID-19 case in Indonesia on Saturday, May 23. As a result, currently the number of positive COVID-19 patients has increased by 949 people, so that the total currently reaches 21,745 people. This figure is still fluctuating.

"This image is what we get that transmission is still happening. Therefore, the government message, the message about COVID-19, please be followed properly," Yuri said in a press conference broadcast on the BNPB YouTube account, Saturday, May 23.

Meanwhile, the number of cured patients currently has increased by 192 people, bringing the cumulative number to 5,249 people.

Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 patients who died today, said Yuri, is 25 people, bringing the total to 1,351 people.

Furthermore, the number of specimens that have been examined has reached 10,617, with details of Real-Time PCR totaling 10,433 specimens and TCM totaling 184 specimens.

Then for the number of people under surveillance (ODP) currently there are 49,958 people who are currently in the process of monitoring. Meanwhile, the number of patients under surveillance (PDP) reached 11,495 people.

This addition rate is considered fluctuating or still fluctuating. On the previous day, Friday, May 22, the number of additional COVID-19 patients reached 634 people. Meanwhile, on Thursday, May 21, the number of additional cases increased by 973 people.

Talk about the condition of the Wisma Atlit Kemayoran Emergency Hospital

In the press conference, Yurianto also mentioned the condition of the Wisma Atlit Kemayoran Emergency Hospital, Jakarta. He said, when carrying out the visit, the hospital had implemented standard operating procedures (SOPs) that apply to medical officers and volunteers.

He stated, this hospital also has a striking difference from other hospitals. Including, the question of quarantine zoning. He said, if people were generally free to go in and out in the hospital, but at the Wisma Atlit Kemayoran Emergency Hospital this could not be done.

"All the facilities inside the hospital fence, the athlete's homestead fence are quarantine areas. ... This will not be the same as the hospital we are used to seeing," said Yurianto.

He also said that all human resources who assisted the operation of this hospital were also closely watched.

This is because all health workers from the Ministry of Health or other ministries, the TNI / Polri, as well as a number of volunteers from universities and other parties must understand the SOP for self-protection while on duty.

In addition, after completing their duties, an inspection will be carried out for the workers who work there. "The end of the assignment is to ensure that it is safe for them to return with their families," Yurianto explained.

"All officers who have ended their term of service will be subjected to an overall health check including a swab examination and must be believed to be negative (before returning home)," he added.

There is patient anxiety ahead of Eid Al-Fitr

During his visit to the Wisma Atlit Kemayoran Emergency Hospital, Yurianto received information about the psychological problems felt by independent patients who were treated there.

The meaning of independent patients is that they can take care of themselves and do not use medical devices, such as infusions or oxygen.

The psychological problem faced by patients at the hospital is their longing to meet family. Given, in this hospital patients are not allowed to be visited by their families. Thus, this creates anxiety for patients ahead of Eid Al-Fitr.

"Currently, it is nearing Eid. Therefore, the anxiety of wanting to meet family, the anxiety of wanting to celebrate Eid has become a big thing to dominate. This is a big job and must be responded to and we are grateful that professional organizations are involved in handling this problem," said Yurianto.

In addition to receiving reports about patients, during the visit Yurianto also stated that his party had discussions with medical personnel who worked there. As a result, they realized that they could not celebrate Eid as usual with their families.

"This is a big sacrifice and we must appreciate it. ... Therefore, let us obey all the directions given by the government because if it is not done then the burden of problems will be big and we will face prolonged problems," he concluded.

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