ACEH - Hundreds of residents who took refuge in the Banda Alam Sub-district Office, East Aceh due to the effects of toxic gas from the Aleu Siwah-11 well belonging to PT Medco E&P Malaka, have now been returned to their homes.

"Residents who previously took refuge in the Banda Alam District Office have now returned to their homes," said Medco E&P VP Relations & Security Arif Rinaldi in East Aceh as reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 30.

Arif Rinaldi said residents returned home after the East Aceh Environment Service (DLH) and the police monitored the air quality at several points that were previously suspected of smelling gas. And now it's safe.

"The monitoring results did not find any gas that caused the smell. Residents who had been treated at the hospital have also been sent home. Now, there are no more residents being hospitalized because of the impact of the smelly gas," said Arif Rinaldi.

Arif Rinaldi said the company is grateful for the support from the Aceh Government, the East Aceh District Government, the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA), and the Environment Agency.

"We also thank the Police, TNI, and all parties so that the handling of this incident can proceed safely and quickly," said Arif Rinaldi.

Previously, hundreds of residents of Gampong (Village) Panton Rayeuk T, Banda Alam Subdistrict, East Aceh Regency were allegedly displaced due to the impact of toxic gas from the Aleu Siwah-11 well owned by PT Medco E&P Malaka, Sunday (27/6) at around 22.00 WIB.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency for East Aceh Regency, Ashadi, said there were 532 people from 112 families who had fled the Banda Alam Sub-district Office, East Aceh.

"We have temporary data that 112 heads of families out of 531 people have fled. We are also coordinating with relevant agencies and monitoring the development of conditions in the field," said Ashadi.

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