JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin is also pleased that the Golkar Party's national meeting (Munas) X is running safely and smoothly. According to him, this party was able to ward off allegations from some that the general chairman election event would run "hot".

"At first there were those who thought that the Golkar National Conference would be hot, but it turned out to be wrong. Because the National Conference was running smoothly, it was cool," he said when delivering remarks at the closing of the Golkar Party National Conference, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Maga Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.

As is known, before the Golkar Party National Conference X event was held, the internal temperature was heating up. The attacks between the two camps, namely Airlangga Hartarto and Bambang Soesatyo, continued. However, the situation turned around after the resignation of Bamsoet in the contestation of the general chairman's candidacy, it was clear that the National Conference was opened.

Ma'ruf said that when referring to the term Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the condition of Golkar before the General Assembly was 'chaotic' or noisy. Meanwhile, after the National Conference, his condition was 'nervous' or filled with laughter.

"After the munas, laughing, being polite, hugging each other, supporting each other," he said.

Not to forget that Ma'ruf also congratulated Airlangga Hartarto who was re-elected as General Chair of the Golkar Party. He asked that the dynamics that have occurred in Golkar be a lesson for the future.

"There is a saying, what is past is through. We have to move forward for the better," he said.

Ma'ruf also appreciated senior Golkar figures who attended the National Conference such as Akbar Tanjung, Aburizal Bakrie, and Agung Laksono. The existence of these senior figures, according to Ma'ruf, shows that Golkar is able to maintain relationships between seniors and juniors.

Golkar is one of the major parties which is an important asset for the Indonesian nation. Ma'ruf said that all the policies of the party bearing the banyan tree have affected various aspects of the life of the nation and state. Golkar's stability also affects Indonesia's economic stability.

"Maintaining national political stability is the key. Do not let political destabilization occur because of the influence on the investment climate," he said.

Munas X Golkar officially closed today. The closure is one day ahead of the predetermined schedule. The National Conference of Golkar decided Airlangga to return to the leadership of the party bearing the banyan tree symbol until 2024. Airlangga was also elected by acclamation.

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