PAPUA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri acknowledged that security disturbances by armed criminal groups (KKB) from January to June 2021 had increased compared to the same period the previous year.

"It is true that there has been an increase in cases due to KKB disturbances, with 33 cases recorded in five districts," said the Regional Police Chief Fakhiri in Jayapura as reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 29.

The five districts with the highest terror cases are Puncak 17 cases, Intan Jaya 9 cases, Mimika, Yahukimo and Gunung Bintang each 2 cases,

It is said that the most security disturbances carried out by KKB were shootings that resulted in 23 deaths, including 10 members of the TNI-Polri and 9 civilians.

"While the KKB who died were recorded as four people," explained the Kapolda Fakhiri.

Vigilance must be increased considering this KKB attack has the potential to occur at any time. Not only TNI-Polri officers, they also attacked civilians.

Specifically for the misuse of firearms, the Kapolda noted that there were 10 cases. A total of 5 of these cases occurred at the Jayapura Police Station, while the others occurred in Merauke, Nabire, Boven Digul and Puncak Jaya regencies.

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