SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo issued seven special instructions for regional heads in 35 districts/cities related to the increasing number of high-risk COVID-19 red zones.

"I have sent the governor's instructions to all regents/mayors in Central Java. I ask that the instructions be carried out so that the current spike in COVID-19 cases in Central Java can be controlled immediately," Ganjar said in Semarang, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 29. .

The 25 regions that are included in the COVID-19 red zone in Central Java are Semarang City, Pekalongan City, Grobogan Regency, Demak, Jepara, Pati, Pemalang, Sragen, Kebumen, Rembang, Wonogiri, Brebes, Kendal, Batang, Karanganyar.

Then Purworejo, Kudus, Blora, Banjarnegara, Cilacap, Sukoharjo, Tegal Regency, Magelang Regency, Pekalongan Regency and Semarang Regency.

Governor's Instruction Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Overcoming the Spike in COVID-19 Cases in Central Java is a step to reduce the number of cases spreading.

Ganjar explained that his instructions were divided into two points. The first point is the instructions for regents/mayors which, if summarized, have seven direct orders from the Governor of Central Java to regional leaders.

The seven instructions are that the regent/mayor is obliged to carry out a total restriction (lockdown) at the RT/RW/village and kelurahan levels that are included in the red zone.

The lockdown, according to Ganjar, is to limit the mobility of residents in and out of the RT area to a maximum of 20.00 WIB and all residents are prohibited from doing activities outside these hours, except for emergencies.

His other instructions, prohibiting crowds involving more than three people, prohibiting crowds in public places and asking religious activities to be carried out independently in their respective homes until the area is no longer in the red zone.

"The implementation of the total restriction must be closely guarded by village officials by involving the Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas and the Jogo Tonggo Task Force," he said.

Ganjar also ordered the regent/mayor to encourage the Mutual Reminding Movement (Eling lan Ngelingke) which is important to make the public aware of the implementation of health protocols, especially 5M widely.

"Remind the public to always wear masks, wash hands, maintain distance, avoid crowds and limit mobility," he said.

The regent/mayor is also asked to activate the call center for information services in handling COVID-19 and any complaints or complaints from the public must be handled quickly.

In addition, regional heads must ensure the availability of drugs, medical devices, oxygen and human resources for health workers in each hospital, as well as the number of ICU beds and isolation must also be increased by at least 40 percent from what is currently available.

Ganjar also ordered all regents/mayors to provide a centralized isolation area and requested that government assets be used for this purpose.

"No less important is the order to accelerate vaccination, all regents and mayors are asked to establish vaccination centers. Please cooperate with associations and communities to accelerate vaccination," he said.

Then, the second point, instructions were addressed to the Central Java Police Chief, Regional Military Commander IV/Diponegoro, chancellors, vertical agency leaders, regional apparatus leaders, BUMN and BUMD leaders in the Central Java region who were asked to support the implementation of handling COVID-19 in the field according to their respective authorities.

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