SOLO - The Surakarta City Government has again banned children under five years old (toddlers) from entering malls following the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.

"Children are not allowed to go to the mall, because (at this time) many children are exposed. We have sacrificed these few weeks", said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, in Solo, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 29.

This is based on the Circular (SE) of the Mayor of Surakarta Number 067/2022 concerning the Extension of Restrictions on Micro-Based Community Activities and Optimizing the Role of the Village Level Task Force for Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 in the City of Surakarta.

In addition to children less than five years old, pregnant women and seniors at high risk are also prohibited from entering shopping centers.

Not only shopping centers, but this prohibition also applies to traditional markets, modern shops, entertainment venues, playgrounds, and tourist attractions.

In addition, he said, there will be adjustments for the operating hours of these places, namely shortening from 10.00-21.00 WIB to 10.00-20.00 WIB.

In this regard, Solo Grand Mal (SGM) Public Relations representative, Ni Wayan Ratrina, said that she would adjust the rules.

"For SGM, of course, we have adjusted, since the Circular came out we have also issued regulations for the community, namely children under five years old, the elderly, and pregnant women are not allowed to enter the mall. We live in Solo, with this implementation, it means we are adjusting", she said

The adjustment, he said, includes operating hours which are only allowed until 20.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, according to Ratrina, since the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in several areas, there has been a decrease in the number of visitors. He said that since the easing of the age of visitors some time ago, the number of visitors reached 15,000 people/day and is currently down to 13,000 people/day.

"That was during the 'weekend' (weekend), if the 'weekday' (normal day) was even lower, at 10,000 visitors/day. Due to the high COVID-19 number, people might be afraid to go to the mall", she said.

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