JAKARTA - The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the University of Indonesia (UI) mentioned the reason behind attaching the nickname King of Lip Service to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This nickname was given because many of Jokowi's statements were not in accordance with the facts.

There are three statements by Jokowi that BEM UI considers not in accordance with the facts on the ground.

"This is a form of criticism that many of the President's statements have not been in accordance with reality or their implementation", said BEM UI Chairperson Leon Alvinda Putra to VOI, Tuesday, June 29.

Jokowi's first statement, Leon continued, was regarding the revision of the Electronic Transaction Information (ITE) Law. Because at that time, Jokowi asked the House of Representatives (DPR) to revise it. But what is currently happening is that a new article appears and is not considered a solution.

"Regarding the revision of the ITE Law, the President conveyed that regarding the discourse (revision) of the ITE Law, what came out was the SKB guidebook (joint decision letter). Then a new article was added which has the potential to then add rubber articles to the ITE Law, namely (article) 45c", said Leon.

Furthermore, BEM UI also highlighted Jokowi's statement about his longing to be demonstrated. In fact, what happened was that students who held demonstrations were arrested and violently abused by the police.

"We know there is a statement from the President who misses demonstrations. But when the students demonstrated, for example, on May 1, UI students nearly 30 (people) were arrested, beaten, dragged by the police. On May 3, one of the UI students also became a suspect on the way home from the action", he insisted.

Finally, about the National Insight Test (TWK). BEM UI assessed that Jokowi's statement which had responded to this matter was not very firm.

At that time, Jokowi said that TWK was not the basis or reference for firing dozens of KPK employees. However, in reality, dozens of KPK employees are still threatened with being fired on the grounds that they cannot be nurtured.

"We convey that President Jokowi should be firm with his statement. Don't just express opinions but the reality is not appropriate", said Leon.

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