JAKARTA - The KLB Democrats' DPP responded to accusations of 'power madness' made by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's (AHY) camp. According to him, it is the AHY camp that deserves the title.

"We are not power-crazy, shameless, and pathetic. In fact, the AHY camp is actually power-crazy," said KLB Democrat spokesman Muhammad Rahmad in a written statement to reporters, Monday, June 28.

Rahmad said AHY had manipulated the Democratic AD/ART outside the congress along with the names of the party founders. The results of the manipulation, said Rahmad, were then registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and became evidence that AHY was power-crazy, embarrassing, and pathetic.

According to Rahmad, his side's lawsuit to the Administrative Court was the right move and not a power-crazy trait. He said that the PTUN was indeed prepared by the state for good governance instruments guaranteed by the law.

"Moeldoko actually provides a good and correct example of how to organize the rule of law in the good governance of President Joko Widodo's government," he claimed.

As previously reported, the Democratic Party responded to the move by the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko to file a lawsuit against the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) over the results of the Deli Serdang Democrat Party KLB to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

Deputy for Bappilu DPP for the Democratic Party, Kamhar Lakumani, called this a real manifestation of power madness.

"Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko's lawsuit against the General Chairperson of the Democratic Party as a result of a fake KLB to the State Administrative Court against the decision of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoli is a real manifestation of power madness," Kamhar told reporters on Monday, June 28.

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