JAKARTA - The House of Representatives Commission III questioned the light sanctions for foreign nationals (foreigners) possessing narcotics of more than 800 kilograms, who were sentenced to only 20 years in prison. Although the sentencing verdict against the dealers is purely the authority of the judge.

"Of course that is the authority of the panel of judges. But seeing the impact it has, of course the right one is the death penalty," said member of Commission III of the DPR from the PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, to reporters, Monday, June 28.

The deputy chairman of the MPR appealed to all levels, especially the judiciary, to be self-aware and not half-hearted in eradicating drugs. "Zero tolerance for drugs," said Jazilul.

He revealed that currently Indonesia has entered a drug emergency phase. Drugs, according to the national coordinator for the Koran, have become a serious threat to Indonesia's future.

"Look at our prisons full of drug convicts. So once again, if the sentence is only 20 years, it is very light. The punishment should be heavy and maximum. The panel of judges should have given a heavy sentence such as the death penalty. I believe this death penalty will have a deterrent effect and hinder the rate of drug crime in the future," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Jazil.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission III of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Habiburrahman, admitted that he had not read the considerations of the panel of judges that had reduced the two men. However, if there are no mitigating facts, the penalty cut is too large.

"With that much evidence (800 kg of drugs, ed) their minimum sentence is life," he said.

Habiburrokhman believes that the decision of the Banten High Court (PT) will have a negative impact on the eradication of drugs in Indonesia. The reason is, drug dealers will not be deterred because the verdict is too small.

"Yes, of course it will have an impact and weaken the spirit of our officers against drugs," he said.

However, the Gerindra politician believes that there is no need for a special examination of the judges of PT Banten. According to him, the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission (KY) can only check regularly. This is because judges cannot be specifically examined just because of their decision.

"Unless there is evidence of violation of the code of conduct," he said.

Previously, the Banten High Court (PT) annulled the death penalty for methamphetamine dealer Bashir Ahmed and Adel to 20 years in prison. Both are owners of 821 kilograms of methamphetamine which was sent from Iran via the Tanjung Lesung waters in the South Banten region.

Bashir Ahmed bin Muhammad Umear is a foreigner from Pakistan. Meanwhile, Adel bin Saeed Yaslam Awadh, a foreigner from Yemen.

The case began at the end of February 2020, Bashir and Adel arrived in Indonesia and stayed at Adel's apartment in the East Pejaten area, South Jakarta. 10 days living in Jakarta, Bashir called Satar, who is the DPO in this case, which said 'shabu will be sent to Indonesia'.

After receiving instructions that the methamphetamine would arrive in Indonesia, Bashir asked Adel to help him because this Adel had been living in Indonesia for a long time. After Adel's approval, Bashir shared his location with Satar via WhatsApp.

After learning of Satar's whereabouts, Bashir asked Adel to find a place to store methamphetamine, which was located not far from Satar's GPS device. Adel said the location on the GPS was in Tanjung Lesung, then Adel agreed and followed Bashir's words.

Long story short, when they arrived in Tanjung Lesung, Banten, Bashir and Adel were looking for a place to store methamphetamine until they finally found a shophouse with a rental price of Rp. 15 million for 1 year. The methamphetamine was picked up in the same way, namely Bashir and Adel brought a rented car, then met Satar who was on a boat on the beach.

Bashir and Adel picked up 390 packets of methamphetamine in the indictment. Each pack weighs 1 kilogram.

This methamphetamine pickup happened again in May 2020, Bashir was again contacted by Satar and then picked up on the beach. This time, there are 430 packs also weighing 1 kilogram.

The second taking of methamphetamine was the last. Because, a few days after he took the methamphetamine, the police found the location where the methamphetamine was stored and arrested both of them.

Prior to his arrest, Adel on Bashir's orders had also sold 49 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine worth USD 500 per kilogram. However, Adel has not received any wages for the sale.

It is known, in this case the Serang District Court has sentenced them to death. Bashir and Adel were found guilty of having been legally proven to have bad intentions, to receive, to sell, to become an intermediary in the sale and purchase of non-plant class I narcotics weighing more than 5 grams.

On the death sentence, both filed an appeal. The Banten High Court also granted the two appeals. From the testimony of the trial on Saturday, June 26, Chief Justice Sudiyatno said that both of them were acquitted of the death penalty. Bashir and Adel were eventually sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of IDR 1 billion, subsidiary to 1 year in prison.

"Defendant I Bashir Ahmed bin Muhammad Umeae and Defendant II Adel bin Saeed Yaslam Awadh were sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, provided that if the fine was not paid by the defendant, the fine was replaced by imprisonment for 1 year," said the verdict. Banten High Court.

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