JAKARTA - The chairman of the Xth National Conference (Munas) of the Golkar Party, Azis Syamsuddin, confirmed that there will be discussions on the position of deputy general chairman for the 2019-2024 period.

According to Azis, the position of deputy chairperson is in the Draft Amendment to Article 12 of the AD / ART and has been approved in a Commission A meeting to discuss AD / ART. Later, the results of the decisions of the A commission meeting will be brought to the plenary meeting for level II decision making.

As a result, article 12 related to the position of deputy chairman of the party was approved in the plenary forum.

"Yes, it is in Article 12. The result is (the position of deputy chairman)," said Azis at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.

For your information, in the previous management there was a position as Field Coordinator, but in the draft changes to the AD / ART that position was replaced by the nomenclature of the vice chairman.

Golkar Party's Xth National Deliberative Assembly (Munas) (Mery Handayani / VOI)

Azis admitted that he did not know the exact number. Because, it is the authority of Airlangga Hartarto as the elected general chairman and also the holder of the formal mandate.

"Oh, whether the number is up to the general chairman," said Azis.

Including the question of whether Bambang Soesatyo and his loyalists will get a position in the management, said Azis, it was handed over to Airlangga as the sole formulation of management arrangements.

"I don't know, I didn't participate (in the compilation). If I did, I would know, but I didn't," said Azis.

However, it is not yet certain whether the position of deputy chairman in general was presented to accommodate Bamsoet and its loyalists, as a form of Airlangga's commitment after Bamoset decided to resign from the candidacy.

"It's not final yet, (but) he has already sent names," said Azis.

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