JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert Bivitri Susanti believes that the appointment of ambassador candidates for friendly countries and international organizations is a power-sharing tool for oligarchic groups.

This can be seen by the names in the group who were later appointed as ambassador candidates by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"There has just been a bit of excitement in various WhatApps Groups (WAG) about how to divide up positions, even for the newly appointed Ambassador. There are people who are part of the oligrchy," said Bivitri in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube, Sunday, June 27.

Although he did not explicitly mention the names in question, however, he said the names on the list of potential ambassadors came from employers' organizations or from any other institution. So the nuances of the division of positions are so thick.

Even so, Bivitri was not surprised by this kind of practice. Because, division of positions like this also occurs in state-owned companies where many oligarchic groups sit as commissioners.

"There are several there who have companies, employers' organizations and so on which are divided into positions. Not only ambassadors, but also commissioners, tools to share profits," he said.

Furthermore, Bivitri explained that the character of the oligarchic group is basically never satisfied with the benefits and power they get. They want to accumulate more and secure wealth.

The oligarchic groups in Indonesia currently have a good network. As a result they feel comfortable and want to continue the status quo of the current incumbent leader.

This has led to the discourse of changing the term of office or extending the term of office of the president-vice president which has emerged recently.

"We can see that this oligarchy is controlling the exercise of power in this country. They are comfortable, this situation has become the status quo for them, it is better not to replace (the president, ed). Because the network is already tidy," he said.

Previously reported, President Jokowi proposed a candidate for LBBP RI ambassador to friendly countries and international organizations. There are 33 names of new ambassador candidates, including Presidential Spokesperson Fadjroel Rachman to General Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) Rosan Roeslani.

In addition, there are also the names of former members of Jokowi's team during the 2019 presidential election, such as Zuhairi Misrawi and Lena Maryana Mukti.

Furthermore, Commission I of the DPR is planned to hold a fit and proper test in the second week of July.

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