JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's statement, see you in the afterlife court, which was conveyed by his attorney Aziz Yanuar to the East Jakarta District Court Judges, received a sharp satire from Ade Armando. There are at least two things that can be seen from Rizieq Shihab's statement.

The first is about despair. Rizieq Shihab doesn't seem to believe the appeal that he or his attorney is trying to make.

"Rizieq looks like a fighter who knows the story is over, will die before he finishes his case. He seems to say the only place where they can still meet is in the afterlife court," explained the lecturer and Communication Expert at the University of Indonesia (UI) here. Youtube channel, CokroTV, Saturday, June 26.

Ade Armando also wondered why he had to wait for the afterlife. In fact, the judge's verdict can be responded well, such as 'see you until I am free in four years.' Second, there is still a principle from the former Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) that he is a good person.

What he did was still pleasing to God. "With his words he seemed to remind that in the afterlife court, the judge would be found guilty and punished for his actions in sentencing Rizieq 4 years. Apparently Rizieq still believes he is a good person, a judge of bad people," explained Ade.

This is also supported by Rizieq's attorney, Aziz, who stated that his client had never lied in the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital in Bogor. While being treated, Rizieq felt he was very healthy. Whereas in the swab test carried out, as admitted by the hospital management during the trial, Rizieq was declared positive.

Surprisingly, Aziz then compared Rizieq's lies with officials in this country. Many public officials lied but the process did not reach the court.

"This is tantamount to saying that because many people are corrupt but not arrested, I am also corrupt. However, all this may have to be understood as a reflection of anger and despair. Rizieq is now just mourning his fate," explained Ade.

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