JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria reviewed the preparation of the location for the isolation of COVID-19 patients at the Pasar Rumput Flats, South Jakarta.

Riza said, there will be three towers that will be used as isolation rooms. The plan, one room can be occupied by up to four beds with a total capacity of 7,393 beds. A number of facilities are being prepared.

"Beds, fans, AC will be installed in stages, and other facilities by the PUPR Ministry," said Riza at the location, Friday, June 25.

Riza ensures that preparations can be done for one week. This is because the number of COVID-19 cases in the capital city continues to increase. Meanwhile, the isolation capacity at referral hospitals to the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Hospital continues to run low.

"We know that Wisma Atlet is almost full, for some time we have prepared flats in Nagrak, Cilincing. Now we are preparing them here at the Grass Market and other places in the Jakarta area," Riza explained.

Riza reminded and appealed to the public to always be disciplined in implementing health protocols in daily life to assist the government in handling and controlling the COVID-19 outbreak.

"Once again, we convey to the public, discipline and alertness, the best place is to stay at home, and last but not least, carry out health procedures, wear masks, keep your distance, wash your hands, avoid crowds, avoid interactions, avoid mobility, and so on," he said.

Apart from the Rusunawa Pasar Rumput, DKI has also used the Nagrak Flats as an isolation location. There are four towers prepared in the Nagrak Flat with a capacity of 4,000 beds.

One room in the Nagrak Flat can accommodate four patients. The management of the isolation area of the Nagrak Flats is under the control of the Pangdam Jaya who is also the Pangkogasgabpad, similar to the management of the Wisma Atlet.

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