JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency's Parking Management Unit (UPP), Adji Kusambarto admitted that his party is currently drafting a new parking tariff regulation with a higher cost than before.

This tariff is included in the proposed revision of the Gubernatorial Regulation Number 31 of 2017 which regulates parking service rates at local government parking locations, as well as the Governor's Regulation Number 120 of 2012 which regulates parking fees at private parking locations.

However, Adji clarified that the highest parking rate of up to Rp. 60,000 per hour is for vehicles that have not or have not passed the emission test and are in arrears on vehicle taxes.

"The proposal is related to the imposition of the highest tariff for vehicles that have not or have not passed the emission test and have not re-registered the vehicle tax," said Adji in his statement, Friday, June 25.

Moreover, he said, the adjustment of the tariff figure circulating in the community, which is Rp. 60 thousand per hour, is still a proposal. The tariff also only applies to on-street fares that are within the radius of the mass public transport corridor.

"The proposal still needs to be discussed and further explored with relevant stakeholders given the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Adji explained that the plan to increase parking rates was carried out in the context of controlling air pollution in the Capital City as a mandate for the implementation of Governor's Instruction Number 66 of 2019 concerning Air Quality Control.

"For this reason, we continue to urge residents to carry out emission tests on their vehicles. Emission tests can detect the performance of vehicle engines and determine exhaust emissions, so as to reduce air pollution," he explained.

For information, in the plan to increase parking rates, the DKI Provincial Government is implementing a trial of increasing parking rates as a study.

There are three selected trial locations for increasing parking rates, namely locations that pass through the main corridor of public transportation services. The locations are the parking lot of the Indonesian Restaurant and Garden Association (IRTI), the Samsat parking lot, and Blok M Square.

Then, there are several additional locations being developed for the trial of increasing parking rates, namely the South Jakarta Mayestik Market area, Plaza Intercon, and Park and Ride Kalideres.

In the plan to change the rules for parking rates for cars and motorbikes in Jakarta, the corridor for the parking control area (KPP) class A for cars is proposed for Rp. 5,000-Rp. 60,000 per hour. Then, for group B starting from Rp. 5,000-Rp. 40,000 per hour.

Meanwhile, for motorcycles at KPP class A, IDR 2,000-IDR 18,000 per hour is proposed, and for class B IDR 2,000-IDR 12,000 per hour.

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