JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Aceh Province will immediately disburse the performance allowance or Tukin for 10,807 madrasah teachers who are still in debt since 2015.

The Head of the Aceh Ministry of Religion's Regional Office, Iqbal, said that the payment of the Tukin was an effort by the government to fulfill the rights of teachers and lecturers in Indonesia which had not yet been paid.

"Alhamdulillah, this is good news for all of us. Hopefully the payment of this allowance can help educators in the midst of the current COVID-19 outbreak," said Iqbal in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Friday, June 25.

Iqbal explained that the budget for the payment of teachers and lecturers was available in the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) for each work unit, with a total budget for Aceh of IDR 231.1 billion. He asked each work unit to coordinate with the Planning Subsection of the Aceh Ministry of Religion for its realization.

"Do it properly and maximize the absorbed budget and avoid the rest of the realization," said Iqbal.

Madrasa parties, said Iqbal, must immediately complete the document for the list of recipients of the difference in Tukin in accordance with the recipient data that has gone through the verification and validation stage or verval from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"The recipient is the result of the BPKP verification, therefore the documents must be complete so that they can be accounted for later," he said.

According to him, based on national data, there were 95,930 teaching staff consisting of 85,820 teachers and 10,100 lecturers, spread over 2,455 work units, who had not received the 2015-2018 performance allowance.

With the total budget for the tukin reaching Rp2 trillion, said Iqbal.

Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) responded to pay off the rights of the teachers and lecturers by issuing Letter No: S-103/MK.2/2021 dated May 30, 2021 concerning the Determination of the Budget Unit for the Budget Section 999.08 (SABA 999.08) from BA BUN.

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