MEDAN - Video of residents carrying a woman after giving birth has gone viral on social media. This woman had to be carried on a stretcher because the access road was rocky and uphill which was difficult for vehicles to pass.

In the narration in the video, it is explained that residents carry women on a stretcher in Nambadia Hamlet, Sihastoga Village, Parlilitan District, Humbang Haangkalan Regency, North Sumatra, Tuesday, June 15. Residents carried him as far as 3.5 km.

"This is for the sake of maintaining comfort for mothers who give birth. If you ride a train (motorbike) it is very dangerous for life because the road is still dirt and rocks", wrote the post seen on Friday, June 25.

To prevent this incident from happening again, the sender of the video requested that the road construction in Namdabia Hamlet be realized immediately.

The Parlilitan sub-district head, Eliapzan Sihotang, when confirmed, confirmed the poor road access. However, Eliapzan denied that the government did not pay attention to road construction there.

"The road conditions are correct, meaning that the government is not paying attention, because (from the 2018 APBD funds), road access there has been opened, as well as widening. Even right before that, there was no access to electricity, since 2020 it has been felt", said Eliapzan, Friday, June 25.

According to Eliapzan, the development process there continues to be carried out in stages. The development, he said, could not be done all at once.

"We realize that our community always wants attention, even though they may not fully understand how to use the budget? Because the Humbang Hasundutan area is not only Parlilitan District, but there are several sub-districts", he explained.

Eliapzan said the access road there used to be only a footpath. Then it opened in 2018 and some of the roads are now paved.

"In 2018 we are widening, and some of them are now paving", explained Eliapzan.

He also explained that the hamlet is located in a farming area and is only occupied by 8 families. They mostly work as farmers.

Regarding the woman being carried on a stretcher, Eliapzen said in fact the woman had just been allowed to go home after giving birth.

"After giving birth, we coordinate with the head of the health center that the mother and child are healthy, they are allowed to go home", he said.

But on the way home the woman felt weak and had to be carried on a stretcher.

"Yes, we understand that those who have just given birth need nutritional intake, energy. In the middle of the road, they may be less empowered so they are carried on a stretcher like that", he said.

The Village Head has also visited the residence of the woman who gave birth.

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