JAKARTA - The capacity of the triage room at RSUD dr. Chasbullah Abdulmajid, Bekasi City has exceeded its capacity or is overloaded. This is because 40 patients have occupied the triage room even though only 30 beds are provided.

"Actually, in the tent (triage room) we initially provided 30 beds, but we can't refuse people to come," said Director of RSUD dr Chasbullah Abdulmajid Bekasi City, Kusnanto Said to reporters, Friday, June 25.

"Now there are 40 patients waiting in the triage room," he continued.

With the capacity of the triage room that can no longer accommodate COVID-19 patients, some of them are undergoing examinations in wheelchairs.

In fact, from the video circulating, it appears that the patient being examined was only on a mat outside the triage room which was built with a tent.

"This (tent) is actually a screening room, so some patients come who have not had PCR, some have had PCR. Now, those who have not been PCR are screened here while waiting for the PCR results to be available," he said.

With this condition, Kusnanto said that he had coordinated with the Bekasi City Health Office to refer some patients. So, they get maximum care.

"Yes, we are also coordinating with the Health Service so that we can share referrals outside the dr. Chasbullah Abdulmajid Hospital," he said.

Based on data as of Friday, June 25, several COVID-19 patients have been referred to other hospitals. The process of referring patients at this time is quite difficult because the capacity in other hospitals is also full.

"If the triage is 3 days, maybe almost 10 percent of us are referred out because in other places it is also quite crowded," he said.

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