JAKARTA - The police said the man who was detained in the East Jakarta District Court area for carrying sharp weapons and a catapult was not a supporter or sympathizer of Rizieq Shihab.

The man is just a field worker from the East Jakarta Marine and Agricultural Food Security Service (KPKP).

"Those who carry the weapons are field workers who are tasked with developing grape cultivation," said Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the East Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Suardi Jumaing to VOI, Friday, June 25.

From this series of examinations, it was known that the knife he was carrying was indeed used daily for grafting vines. This was confirmed by witnesses, including the KPKP Sub-dept

"The knife is used daily for grafting vine trunks," he said.

So, not long after the information, the man was immediately sent home. "He has been sent home since last night. Since the person concerned did not commit a criminal offense, we will send him home," said Suardi.

Previously, it was reported that the police arrested a number of people suspected of being supporters and sympathizers of Rizieq Shihab. Of the several people arrested, one of them was found carrying a sharp weapon and a catapult.

The arrests began when the alleged sympathizer of Rizieq passed in front of the East Jakarta District Court. In fact, vehicle access has been closed.

So, the officer on duty stopped and checked it. However, the man had resisted. He refused to be examined.

"Open it, try to open the motorcycle seat," said one of the police.

However, the man still refused to open it. Until finally, the police opened the seat of his motorbike and found a sharp weapon and a slingshot.

"Well what is this, what is it for," said the police.

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