BANJARMASIN - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, continues to carry out COVID-19 vaccinations. This time targeting people with mental disorders.

"There are as many as 61 people with mental disorders, today we are vaccinating against COVID-19," said Head of the Banjarmasin City Health Office, Machli Riyadi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 24.

The COVID-19 vaccination was carried out at the Banjarmasin City Social Service shelter house on Jalan Governor Soebarjo, South Lingkar.

According to Machli Riyadi, the COVID-19 vaccination activities for people with mental disorders went quite smoothly.

"Thankfully no one ran amok," he said.

Machli Riyadi said that this activity was also assisted by cross-sector parties, including Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas and Satpol PP.

He stated that the targets of the activity were people who had finished undergoing treatment at the Sambang Lihum Mental Hospital.

"Also without knowing the age limit, as long as you don't have comorbidities," he said.

He stated that the COVID-19 vaccination program for people with mental disorders was the second time, the first stage was 89 people.

"We are targeting 1,000 people with mental disorders to be vaccinated, because they are also vulnerable to the corona virus," he said.

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccination program for people with mental disorders, the Head of the Banjarmasin City Social Service Iwan Ristianto stated that it was running quite smoothly.

"Yes, there are 61 residents of our shelter today who were vaccinated against COVID-19, Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly," he said.

He stated, the number of people with mental disorders who are in the shelter is currently 61 people.

"Their condition is fairly healthy, no one has ever been exposed to COVID-19, because they have never been outside," he said.

Indeed, he said, some of the residents had lived there for several years.

"We are trying to treat and heal them," said Iwan Ristianto.

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