JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is still finding chaos in the distribution of social assistance to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This chaos occurred due to the existence of Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) that had not been updated in a number of areas.

"According to the circular, the KPK encourages the use of DTKS as an initial reference for field data collection," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in a written statement, Tuesday, May 19.

The technical implementation, said Ali, was carried out by involving the smallest work unit in the community, namely the RT / RW so that they could expand non-DTKS beneficiaries and match the Population Identification Number (NIK) with Disdukcapil.

This anti-graft agency emphasized that his party would continue to encourage data transparency regarding social assistance receipts from the government, budget realization and social assistance spending as a form of accountability and transparency.

"In addition, the KPK asks ministries, institutions, or local governments to provide channels for public complaints regarding this (social assistance distribution)," he said.

He explained that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the KPK had formed a Deputy for Prevention team to work alongside the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at the central and regional levels. As a result, the mapping of four hot spots has become the focus of the KPK in providing assistance.

"The four hot spots that are the focus of the assistance area are related to the procurement of goods and services (PBJ), refocusing and reallocation of the COVID-19 budget in the APBN and APBD, managing philanthropy or third party contributions which are categorized as non-gratuities, and organizing social assistance," Ali explained.

Due to this vulnerability, at the central level, assistance was carried out by the KPK together with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) and related ministries and institutions.

While at the regional level, the KPK involves all personnel in the Regional Coordination Unit (Korwil) for Prevention of the KPK together with BPKP Representatives and Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) to assist and supervise 542 local governments in Indonesia in handling COVID-19 including the distribution of social assistance and BLT. Village Fund.

Jokowi agrees that the distribution of social assistance is problematic

Previously, President Joko Widodo admitted that there were problems in distributing social assistance to the community amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, he wanted the assistance to reach the recipient immediately without taking a long time.

"It turns out that in the field there are many obstacles and the problem is a convoluted procedural problem," said Jokowi when opening a limited meeting on simplifying procedures for cash assistance and village fund BLT which was broadcast on the Cabinet Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, May 19.

In extraordinary conditions such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, he asked for no complicated procedures in distributing social assistance. Moreover, people today need help quickly. So, he asked his ministers to simplify the convoluted procedure.

To prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta will involve the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), and the Attorney General's Office to monitor the distribution of social assistance.

This request for involvement was then answered by the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara. According to him, the KPK has been involved to oversee the distribution of social assistance. This can be seen in the existence of a KPK Circular (SE) regarding data on social assistance recipients.

"We have started cooperation with the KPK, as evidenced by the SE from the KPK regarding data that does not have to refer to integrated social welfare data (DTKS). Outside the DTKS, we can (receive social assistance)," said Juliari after the meeting.

Apart from the KPK, this former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDI-P faction admits that he has collaborated with the Finance and Development Audit Agency (BPKP) and receives suggestions almost every week from this institution.

He also said that the Ministry of Social Affairs and law enforcement agencies always communicate intensely to escort aid.

"We work closely with the KPK and BPKP as well as the Attorney General's Office, conveying that if there are findings in the field, we will immediately inform them," he concluded.

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