JAKARTA - As many as 30 high-ranking TNI officers received promotions one level higher than their original rank. This promotion was based on the Command Letter of the TNI Commander Number Sprin/1397/VI/2021, dated June 22.

TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto. received a report from the 30th Army High Officers (Pati) Corps of Ranks, consisting of 17 TNI AD officers, 4 Navy Navy officers and 9 Air Force officers at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Wednesday, June 23.

There were also 30 TNI officers who were promoted, consisting of 17 TNI AD officers, including TNI Lieutenant General Dudung Abdurachman (Pangkostrad), TNI Lieutenant General Teguh Arief Indratmoko (Danpusterad).

Then Major General Benny Antony Sitohang (Pa Sahli Tk. III Bid. Jahpers TNI Commander), Major General TNI Gregorius Henu Basworo.

There was also Brigadier General Agustinus (Pa Sahli Tk. II Wassus Sahli Bid. Wassus and LH Panglima TNI), Brigadier General Handoko Nurseta.

Meanwhile, 4 members of the Navy, namely Admiral TNI Sunaryo, CFrA. (Irjenal), Admiral TNI Mohamad Zaenal (Koorsahli Kasal), Admiral TNI Syamsul Rizal (Seklem AAL) and Admiral TNI Achmad Wibisono (Danlantamal I Blw Koarmada I).

The 9 members of the Indonesian Air Force include Marsdya TNI Diyah Yudanardi (Dansesko TNI), Marsdya TNI Andyawan Martono (Danjen TNI Academy), Marsda TNI Elianto Susetio (Aspers Kasau).

DOK Puspen TNI

Then Marsda TNI Hesly Paat (Wirjen TNI), Marsma TNI I Putu Gede Suartika (Pati Sahli Kasau Bid. Kersalem), Marsma TNI V. Andy P. Suartha (Pa Sahli Tk. II Intekmil Sahli Bid. Intekmil and Cyber Commander TNI).

In addition, Marsma TNI Julianto Sutrisnawan (Pati Sahli Kasau Bid. Sumdanas), Marsma TNI Strong Sitanggang (Askomlek Kas Kogabwilhan III) and Marsma TNI dr. Budi S. Utomo (Director of Health Directorate General of Defense Ministry).

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