SOLO - Solo Police Chief Sr. Comr. Ade Safri Simanjuntak took part in the mutual cleaning and repair of several graves at the Cemoro Kembar Public Cemetery, Mojo Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Wednesday, June 23 this morning.

Several tomb ornaments belonging to Christians were previously damaged by elementary school (SD) students in nearby educational institutions.

Kombes Ade Safri was seen helping one of the workers repairing the tomb. The statue of Jesus which was previously removed and thrown away by the vandals was re-installed by the Head of Police. The tall grass around the tomb complex is also not spared to be cleaned.

According to the Police Chief, all elements from the community, the Ministry of Religion, the Kodim, the Solo City Government joined in this issue. The parties involved, both school caregivers, elementary students, local RT/RW have been called for mediation. The agreement, the perpetrators will repair the tomb that was damaged.

"This is the tradition of wong solo (Solo people), harmonious, peaceful, tolerant. We are doing improvements together in Cemoro Twins. We agree, even though we are not brothers in faith, but brothers and sisters in the country, brothers in humanity," explained the Police Chief after grave repairs.

He advised the public to continue to maintain diversity and tolerance within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is hoped that this incident will not be repeated in the future. "That's a fixed price!," he said.

Regarding the case itself, the Solo Police investigator team has collaborated with the Correctional Center (Bapas).

"We have met with community, religious leaders, village heads, and RT and agreed to jointly suppress the citizens without being provoked. Stay calm and leave it entirely to the ongoing legal process. We are trustworthy and will conduct a professional investigation," said Ade Safri. .

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