JAKARTA - Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana said his party no longer had data on the results of the National Insight Test (TWK) for employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

He said the test results as a condition for the transfer of employee status had been submitted to the KPK in the form of cumulative results and not individual data.

This was conveyed after he was asked for information regarding the implementation of TWK by the Komnas HAM team for four hours or from 12.43 WIB until around 17.03 WIB.

"BKN received the results of the TWK, the results are cumulative, the results are in a sealed document and are currently at the KPK. BKN no longer has that document," Bima said at a press conference at the Komnas HAM office, Jalan Latuharhary, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, 22 June.

Bima also mentioned the statement by Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, who said that the KPK would coordinate with BKN to obtain the results of each employee's TWK. According to him, this data does not exist at the institution because all data is provided in an accumulation manner.

Bima said the data was actually in the Army Psychology Service and the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and was confidential.

"What is asked for is things that are not in the document, because this document is aggregated, not individual details. If we ask, then we will ask the owner of the instrument for the data because the instrument is not in our hands. If the Moderation Index State-68 is in the Army Psychology Service, the profiling is at the BNPT," he said.

"So I say this according to the Psychology Service of the AD and BNPT as a secret. So I'm not the one who conveyed the secret but the owner of the information. Because I as an assessor have a code of ethics, if I convey a secret I can be subject to a criminal," added Bima

Although stating this information is confidential, the results can still be disclosed by a court decision.

"Can it be disclosed? Yes, it is possible. All information in Indonesia can be disclosed if there is a court decision so that the people who provide this information are not blamed," said Bima.

Previously, the KPK claimed to be working on the results of the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) requested by its employees. Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said he was still coordinating with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) to request the document.

"KPK's PPID (Information and Data Management Officer) is coordinating regarding the fulfillment of the information because the copies of the documents requested are not fully under the control of the KPK," he told reporters, Tuesday, June 15.

Ali said that his party continues to work on getting the results of this TWK after receiving 30 application letters from his employees. The KPK PPID, he continued, had also responded to the letter.

In accordance with Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning the Openness of Public Information, the request must be fulfilled in writing no later than 10 working days. That time can be extended by 7 days by giving reasons for the delay in writing.

"KPK strives to be able to fulfill a copy of the request in accordance with the applicable time provisions," he said.

For information, the representative of the KPK employee who did not pass the TWK, Hotman Tambunan Iguh Sipurba has sent a request for information disclosure since May 31, 2021. Furthermore, the PPID of the Corruption Eradication Commission, which is held by the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, has replied to a request for information on Friday, June 11, 2021.

"However, there is an oddity in the answer given. In this answer, the KPK PPID stated that it was still coordinating with the State Civil Service Agency to fulfill the information. Even though there has been a handover of TWK results from the Head of BKN to the KPK since April 27, 2021," said Iguh in his statement, Sunday, June 13.

In fact, based on Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, public bodies are required to submit a written notification to the applicant no later than 10 working days from the receipt of the request.

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