JAKARTA - An unscrupulous village head in Cikijing District, Majalengka Regency with the initials ES was arrested by the police. The village head was arrested for persecuting Tasikmalaya residents until they were injured.

The abuse was carried out by the village head spontaneously because of the influence of alcohol.

"The perpetrator of this abuse has the initials ES, who is a village head in Cikijing District, Majalengka Regency", said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Majalengka Police Siswo De Cuellar Tarigan in Majalengka, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

According to him, the incident involving the village head against the Tasikmalaya residents began when a fight broke out on the road, precisely in Kencana Village, Cikijing District, Majalengka Regency.

He said that at that time the victim was driving a car to a relative's house in the area, but was suddenly stopped by the perpetrator and was immediately hit in the face several times.

"Without reason, the perpetrator ES immediately hit the victim's face using his fists three times", he said.

Then continued Siswo, the victim managed to escape and went straight to his relative's house, but ES continued to pursue him and continued to abuse him.

Even ES, assisted by his friend with the initials UN, continued to carry out acts of persecution so that the victim suffered injuries to the face and broken teeth.

"After successfully chasing the victim, the perpetrator then carried out the persecution by slamming him down twice and kicking the face twice. Another perpetrator, the initials UN, also beat him twice using his right fist to the victim's face", he said.

He added that from the results of the officer's examination, the perpetrator admitted that the action was spontaneous because initially there was a fight when they passed by on the road. The perpetrator is also known to be under the influence of alcohol.

"The perpetrator was charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 5 years and six months in prison", he said

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