MEDAN - A teenage girl in Medan was allegedly raped by an online taxi driver. This case was reported to the Medan Police.

The victim's attorney, Oloan Butar-butar said the incident occurred on Friday, June 18 evening.

"Our client is a minor (initially), ordering a driver to meet his friends," Oloan told reporters, Tuesday, June 22.

According to Oloan, the online taxi was ordered by the victim's sister. The victim departed from his house using the online taxi.

"(However) Arriving in the car (the victim) was not taken to his destination. But (in fact) to a hotel in the Padang Bulan area," he explained.

According to the victim's confession, the driver pulled the victim's hand into the hotel when the incident occurred. The victim had to fight back.

But the perpetrator hit the victim's head 3 times. Oloan said an online taxi driver raped the victim inside the hotel.

"The victim (then) called her parents to be picked up," he said.

Furthermore, Oloan said, his client reported this case to the Medan Polrestabes with the number STTLP/B/1233/YAN.2.5/K/VI/2021/SPKT Resatabes Medan.

"Hopefully the police will deal with this case soon," he hoped.

Separately, the Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol Rafles Langgak, when confirmed, has not yet provided an answer to this case report.

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