SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi met with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa. The goal was to convey the aspirations of the demonstrators on behalf of the "United Madura Community Coalition", to stop the blockade on the Suramadu Bridge.

Unfortunately, Eri Cahyadi did not explain in detail the results of the meeting. Eri only said that the aspirations of the protesters had been submitted to the Governor of East Java.

According to him, what the mass of action wanted was actually almost the same as the East Java governor's directive on focusing on security at the village or sub-district level.

"So that later we will carry out security for the area by going to the village or sub-district, and it has been carried out in Surabaya, and in Surabaya it has been carried out in the urban village, so the wards have been guarded," said Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya, Monday, June 21.

Eri Cahyadi asserted, if this can work in Bangkalan and the case has started to slow down, then it is likely that there is no need to carry out an isolation in Suramadu. However, Walkot Surabaya said that further coordination meetings were needed.

"God willing, the decision will be taken by the Commander of the TNI, what should be done, whether it must still be carried out first or has it been strengthened starting today at the village level, after that there will be no need for isolation. So, we are waiting for directions from the Panglima, God willing, we will be ready to carry out ," he said.

Actually, continued Eri Cahyadi, in Bangkalan it can already do what has been done in Surabaya, namely security at the village or sub-district level.

"The friends I met earlier also wanted to help, because they also said that actually it could be done at the village level, so it doesn't need to be done on the main road anymore. I agree with that, so it is the residents themselves who take care of it. " he said.

Eri Cahyadi admitted that he would invite a number of mass demonstrations to meet with the Bangkalan Regent in order to convey his aspirations. It is hoped that all matters related to preventing the spread of COVID-19 can be resolved in Bangkalan, so that there will be no more isolation.

"So, the matter of the partition is still being evaluated by the Commander in Chief at the same time waiting for Bangkalan's readiness. God willing, if Bangkalan is ready tomorrow that its position in every village is guarded, then there is no need for public roads anymore," he said

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