JAKART - The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police together with the TNI and Satpol PP sealed the Flow bar in Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, for seven days.

This step was taken because the Flow bar violated the health protocol during the implementation of the Micro-Scale Community Activity Restriction (PPKM).

"So, earlier, when we went around the Jakarta area, it turns out that there are entertainment venues that are still open until 22.30 WIB," said the Director of Drugs at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Mukti Juharsa, after the operation to justify the health protocol, Sunday, June 20.

The Micro PPKM policy implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19 allows cafes, bars and restaurants to continue operating but only until 21.00 WIB.

During the judicial operation to enforce the health protocol (prokes), officers also found and confiscated a number of alcoholic beverages that did not have a BPOM permit.

The officers also took strict action against the prokes violation by bar Flow by sealing the location of the business for seven days.

"So we took action to seal it, I asked for it to be closed for one week," said Mukti.

The officers then continued the operation to justify the health protocol by checking a number of locations in Jakarta and South Tangerang, but did not find any nightclubs operating outside the permitted hours.

Mukti added that the ranks of the Polda Metro Jaya continued to carry out judicial operations to enforce health protocols every night to suppress the positive number of COVID-19 in Jakarta and its surroundings.

"Every night we will carry out an operation to justify the health protocol," he said.

Restaurants, restaurants and cafes can be subject to a maximum fine of Rp. 50 million up to license revocation if they violate the health protocol repeatedly, as stated in DKI Governor Regulation Number 3 of 2021.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said the fines collected for violating health protocols imposed on companies and cafe and restaurant managers reached Rp6.9 billion.

Anies emphasized that the imposition of sanctions is not only aimed at the managers of restaurants, cafes and restaurants, but also the public or visitors who do not wear masks.

The fine can be up to Rp. 250,000 if people don't wear masks.

Anies reminded that the threat of fines was not due to the enforcement of governor regulations alone, but the safety guidelines for all citizens from exposure to COVID-19.

"This is not just a matter of enforcing the rules, but about safety. We obey the rules. So if we want to come, we will be orderly. Because this is a matter of safety," said Anies.

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