JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhaimin Iskandar, warned the members of the House of Representatives to continue to comply with the health protocols (prokes) even though vaccines have been injected.

That includes all employees and people who are active in the Indonesian parliament building. "Even though we have been vaccinated, we still adhere to the health procedures, so we don't catch the COVID virus," said Muhaimin in Jakarta, Friday, June 18.

This was said by Muhaimin after eleven DPR members were tested positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, there were 11 DPR experts who also tested positive for COVID-19, 17 civil servants, and 7 Pamdal/TV Parliament.

Due to the increasing cases of COVID-19 transmission, Muhaimin asked the Secretariat General of the DPR to tighten the procedures in the DPR/MPR/DPD Building.

This step, according to him, needs to be done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the parliament. "Tighten health protocols within the parliament," said the PKB general chairman.

The Chair of the Supervisory Team for the Implementation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster Management at the DPR also encouraged the DPR work meeting with the Government to be carried out with strict procedures. No less than 25 meeting participants attended, the rest were present virtually.

In addition, the man who is familiarly called Cak Imin also instructed the Secretariat General of the DPR to continue to carry out swab tests, tracking and tracing parties related to members and employees who were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"Everything related to members who are confirmed positive must be swabbed, including ASN and OB (office boy)," said Cak Imin.

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