JAKARTA - Patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, added 52 new cases, bringing the total during the pandemic to 6,789 cases.

"The change in the COVID-19 situation as of June 18, 2021, added 52 positive cases, from the results of the PCR swab 32 cases, and the rapid antigen 20 cases," said Kulon Progo COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force Spokesperson Baning Rahayujati in Kulon Progo, Friday, 18 June.

He said the 54 new cases were spread in the sub-districts of Temon, Kokap, Panjatan, Girimulyo, Wates, Sentolo, Lendah, Pengasih, and Nanggulan. Of these patients, many were treated at referral hospitals, namely Nyi Ageng Serang Hospital and Wates Hospital.

"The distribution of confirmed patients in nine sub-districts is evenly distributed daily," he said.

In addition to the addition of confirmed cases of COVID-19, today there is one confirmed person who died, and 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19 who have completed isolation. As for the completion of the isolation, three people from Temon District, seven people from Galur, seven people from Pengasih, and four people from Kokap.

Based on data from the Kulon Progo Health Service, a total of 6,789 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with details of 85 hospital isolation, 672 self-isolation, 5,367 completed isolation, 533 recovered and 132 died.

"The high daily addition of cases in Kulon Progo is due to the poor implementation of health protocols. People are starting to neglect to wear masks, keep their distance and wash their hands. Whereas health protocols are the main key to suppress the spread of COVID-19," he said

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kulon Progo Tourism Office, Joko Mursito, stated that a total of 42 employees were targeted by tracing cases of contagion at his agency's office. Of these 23 employees have undergone the first ring swab test and 19 people were found to be positive. The second ring swab test was then continued to 19 other employees and is now waiting for the results.

Regarding the reopening of the office of the agency he leads, his party will wait for the results of the swab of all employees to come out. If the second ring swab test does not find a positive case, then the service at the Kulon Progo Tourism Office will be opened on Monday (21/6).

"We will re-open the Dispar office later, we will wait for the results of the second swab ring to appear, hopefully Monday it can be opened. If not, there are four negative employees for us to optimize. The point is we will continue to provide services," he said.

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