JAKARTA - Muhammad Achyar, a lawyer in NTT was sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison for being proven involved in corruption in the transfer of 30 hectares of land assets belonging to the West Manggarai Regency Government.

The panel of judges at the Corruption Court of Kupang, NTT, led by Wari Juniati and member judges Yulius Eka Setiawan and Ibnu Kholik, said that the defendant Muhammad Achyar stated that Achar's actions had harmed the state finances of Rp. 1 trillion.

In the decision of the Kupang Corruption Court, it was stated that according to the evidence from the West Manggarai BPN, it was known that the land was in the territory of the West Manggarai Regency Government.

The purchase of the 30-hectare land took place in 1989, followed by the handover of customary money allocated from the APBD so that the land had become an asset of the West Manggarai Government.

The panel of judges stated that the defendant Muhammad Achyar then sold the land to David Andre Pratama for Rp5 billion and built the White Villa on the land.

The Kupang Corruption Court judges confirmed that the defendant Muhammad Achyar knew that the land was on land belonging to the West Manggarai Regency Government.

"The defendant's actions have been proven to be against the law, the elements against the law, the elements of enriching oneself have all been fulfilled," said the panel of judges, Ibn Kholik when reading the verdict, reported by Antara, Friday, June 18.

Based on this evidence, the panel of judges at the Kupang Corruption Court stated that the defendant Muhammad Achyar had been proven guilty and was sentenced to ten years and six months in prison.

The panel of judges also sentenced the defendant Muhammad Achyar to a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to three months in prison.

The defendant was also sentenced to pay compensation for state financial losses in the amount of Rp. 500 million with the stipulation that if he did not pay the compensation, all of the defendant's assets were confiscated for auction.

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