JAKARTA - The commissioner of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Firli Bahuri et al. will not come to Komnas HAM to provide information regarding alleged violations during the National Insight Test Assessment.
This was conveyed by Acting KPK Spokesperson Ali Fikri in response to the wishes of Komnas HAM which is still waiting for KPK leaders other than Nurul Ghufron to attend.
Ali insisted that the information from one KPK leader, Nurul Ghufron, was sufficient. Ali argued that the work system of the KPK leadership was a collegial collective.
"We have already explained that the KPK is a collegial collective. It means that one is enough, I think it is sufficient for the information and data needs of Komnas HAM," Ali told reporters quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Friday, June 18.
"This means that it is enough (the information, ed)," he added.
In addition, he said, his party had submitted a written and complete explanation to Komnas HAM. Thus, it is hoped that this is sufficient to clarify the alleged violations reported by representatives of 75 employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK.
"We once again hope that from today's explanation and in writing it will be sufficient and further analysis can be carried out by Komnas HAM," he said.
As previously reported, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is still waiting for the presence of four leaders and the Secretary General of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) until the end of June. This was done because there were still unanswered questions by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron.
Ghufron became the representative of the KPK leadership to clarify allegations of human rights violations during the TWK process on Thursday, June 17. The KPK argued that this was done because all decisions related to the transfer of employee status were taken collectively by collegial.
However, the questions raised by investigators from Komnas HAM turned out not only to touch on decisions that were determined jointly but also the role of each party, including the five KPK leaders. Thus, there are a number of questions that Ghufron cannot answer.
"There are several question constructions that are not collegial collective areas, but areas that are contributed by individual leaders. So there were some questions that Pak Ghufron could not answer because they were other leaders," said Commissioner for Monitoring and Investigation of Komnas HAM Mohammad Choirul Anam told reporters at his office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 17.
Furthermore, Komnas HAM did provide an opportunity for the leadership and the Secretary General of the KPK to attend to provide clarification. However, this institution will not make a recall but wait for their awareness to attend until the end of next month.
"Never mind, we don't need to call again. We just give it a chance. If you want to come, we will accept it until the end of this month until we close the case," he said.
"The thing is, if you wait for another call and stuff, it will take a lot of time and harm us all," added Anam.
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