JAKARTA - Along with the lockdown policy, the number of COVID-19 transmission in Thailand began to decline. Seeing this momentum, the policy owners chose the option of easing restrictions so that the economy could start rolling back in early May. As a result, various business activities, such as restaurants, have begun to be allowed to reopen.

In response to this, a restaurant in Thailand has a unique way to maintain customer safety and comfort, namely the restaurant has the idea of bringing a dining partner. However, not friends in the real sense. Because, who is a friend comes in the form of a panda doll.

The owner of this unique idea is the owner of Maison Saigon Restaurant in Bangkok, Natthwut Rodchanapanthkul. He believes that this method is considered effective so that visitors do not feel lonely and still apply the rules of physical distancing.

“Previously we only had one chair per dining table for a customer. But it seems to me a little strange. So, I think people will feel accompanied by a panda doll, "said Natthwut.

Then, when the idea was implemented, the visitors who came were happy. Chaiphuek Palm Oil is one of them. "Having a doll makes me feel less lonely from eating alone," said Sawit.

Not only that, another visitor, Siriporn Assavakarint, revealed that the existence of a panda doll should be grateful for. "The existence of a panda doll makes it easier for people to understand the rules of physical distancing compared to other restaurants where people are still confused about where to sit and end up sitting close to each other."

So far Thailand has confirmed 3,018 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 56 cases died.

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