JAKARTA - The Slovenian authorities announced the lifting of the COVID-19 emergency status, followed by the lifting of restrictions and allowing a number of activities open to the public, Tuesday 15 June.

The announcement came after Slovenia imposed a COVID-19 state of emergency followed by a lockdown since eight months ago. The Slovenian Ministry of Health said most of the restrictions that were still in place previously were also lifted along with this announcement.

As of Tuesday, Slovenia only reported 112 new daily cases of COVID-19 infection and two deaths from the coronavirus. Meanwhile, based on Worldometers data, there were a total of 256,581 cases of COVID-19 infection and 4,408 deaths in Slovenia.

Regarding COVID-19 vaccination, about 45 percent of adults in Slovenia have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 32 percent of them have received a second dose.

Along with the lifting of this emergency status, the people of Slovenia can return to their normal activities. Sports and cultural activities can also be held again and witnessed by the audience.

However, access for activities like this is still limited to a maximum of up to 75 percent of the available capacity, specifically for people who can show they have received the COVID-19 vaccine, have a negative test result or are declared recovered from a previous infection.

"Some protective measures will remain in place, such as the requirement to wear face masks indoors in public and maintain a safe distance from others," said Franc Vindisar, secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Health.

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