JAKARTA - Musician Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji apologized after being arrested by the police in a marijuana case. Anji calls this case a valuable life lesson for him.

"First, I would like to apologize to my family, relatives, relatives, work colleagues, parties related to me and also all Indonesian people who are disappointed by this incident," Anji said at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, June 16.

Anji calls this case a very valuable lesson. He also asked the entire community not to imitate everything he did.

"I hope that this incident can be a lesson for myself and all Indonesian people not to violate any rules for any reason," said Anji.

In addition, Anji also thanked the police. Because the treatment given since the arrest until now is very good.

At the end of his statement, the former vocalist of Drive also asked the Indonesian people to pray for him. He hopes to be strong enough to undergo the legal process.

"Please pray that I live this well and I can return to work as a musician as an entrepreneur, as a tourism developer, as a community developer and also as a person. Hopefully I can have a career again," he said

Anji was previously arrested at one of his music studios in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta, Friday, June 11.

From the results of the examination, the police said that Anji had been consuming marijuana for a long time. Anji admitted to consuming marijuana since the end of 2020.

In this case, Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji was charged with Article 111 article 127 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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