JAKARTA - The police found a number of items of evidence, including marijuana seeds and a book entitled Hikayat Tree Ganja from the arrest of Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji. The evidence was found at his residence in the Bandung area, West Java. "There we also secured evidence, namely marijuana seeds that we got at the second location. Then the marijuana stems, in this box secure the marijuana stems then there is a The book, The Story of the Cannabis Tree," said the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ady Wibowo, to reporters, Wednesday, June 16. From the results of the examination, Anji admitted that the evidence for the book The Tale of the Cannabis Tree was for educational purposes only. He just wanted to know the reasons why in other countries legalizing marijuana. "So according to you, AN, this is part of the education related to marijuana itself because colleagues have understood that 48 states in America have legalized this cannabis plant. But that's not the domain of the police," said Ady.
Meanwhile, for evidence at the location of the arrest or the music studio in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta, several marijuana items and cannabis extract were found. The evidence is stored in a box. "We collected some marijuana in the form of marijuana then some marijuana extracts, papir paper and then stickers. Where is this place to hide or store the marijuana," said Ady. For information, Anji was arrested in one of the studios. his music in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta, Friday, June 11. From the results of the investigation, the police said that Anji had been consuming marijuana for a long time. Based on the examination, Anji admitted to consuming marijuana since the end of 2020. However, the police did not know the reason why Anji was desperate to consume marijuana. However, with the results of the examination, Anji was named a suspect. So, for now, Aji must languish in a prison cell at the West Jakarta Metro Police.
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