BANYUWANGI - The number of COVID-19 cases from the celebration cluster in Wringinpitu Village, Tegaldlimo, Banyuwangi, increased to 36 people. One resident died, 6 others were declared cured.

"Today's update, a total of 36 positive cases, 1 death, and 4 people being treated at the hospital, 25 in self-isolation," said Head of the Banyuwangi Health Office, Dr. Widji Lestariono, Wednesday, June 16.

The team has traced 186 people related to the celebration cluster in Banyuwangi. Wringinpitu Village is still strictly limited by the supervision of the COVID-19 Task Force at the sub-district level.

"The TNI-Polri personnel are patrolling 24 hours a day. All positive families in the same house are given food 3 times a day," he said.

Previously, this celebration cluster infected 25 residents of Wringinpitu Village. This cluster is known from one person who was positive for COVID-19 after attending a celebration event.

"So the first case finished attending a celebration, when tracing targeted his close contacts, it turned out that the positive one was in the blasphemy," said Widji earlier.

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